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Cheng Pei-Chia  Pic

Name:Cheng Pei-Chia

Job Title:Director

Working Unit:Sewerage Systems Office, Public Works Department, Taipei City Government

Education:National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Graduate Institute of Automation and Control, Master

Work Experiences: 

  • Sewerage Systems Office, Public Works Department, Taipei City Government, Deputy Director
  • Public Works Department, Taipei City Government, Senior Engineer
  • Sewerage Systems Office, Public Works Department, Taipei City Government, General Engineer
  • Hydraulic Engineering Office, Public Works Department, Taipei City Government, Deputy General Engineer
  • Hydraulic Engineering Office, Public Works Department, Taipei City Government, Division Chief
  • Maintenance Office, Public Works Department, Taipei City Government, Engineer
  • Maintenance Office, Public Works Department, Taipei City Government, Deputy Engineer
  • Maintenance Office, Public Works Department, Taipei City Government, Assistant Engineer