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Sewerage Systems Office obtained

“2020-2022 Inspection, Repair and Lifespan Extension Turn-key Project of Western Region Branch Sewerage Pipeline” of the SSO Maintenance Section is awarded CTSTT’s “Excellent Underground Pipeline Engineering Award.” Range of the turn-key project mainly comprised existing old (more than 20 years) sewerage trunks and branch networks in the Taipei area (Wanhua, Zhongzheng, Zhongshan, Datong, Shilin, Beitou Districts). Contract amount is NT$ 123.66 million. Conditions of existing sewerage pipelines is made known via systematic investigation. By dredging internal sludge and debris, transportation capacity is revived and service lifespan of the pipeline is also extended.

The innovation and challenge of the project:

  1. Set forth pipeline service lifespan extension program for the entire city: Based on age and branch systems of pipelines, sequential inspections are carried out by areas. Comprehensive understanding of sewerage pipeline internal conditions is enabled by systematic dredging and inspection works.
  2. Excavation-free Method is employed for service lifespan extension: In order to minimize traffic impact, the Excavation-free Method is used, which includes light curing method, spiral expansion method and film lining method. Up to Aug. 15th 2022, 16m of light curing method, 2,795m of spiral expansion method and 16 locations of film lining method have been completed, which significantly facilitated the service lifespan extension of the sewerage pipeline.
  3. Improved hot zone rainwater/sewage mixture flow: By “Purchase of Services,” hot zones of rainwater/sewage mixture flow and gas explosion are detected; warnings are issued as bases for subsequent improvements. This project has improved 3 hot zones including Tianmu West Road.
  4. Improve GIS accuracy: Establish comprehensive and accurate map of sewerage pipeline network in the city for facilitating subsequent tasks of maintenance and management.