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Neihu Sewage Treatment Plant Sport and Recreation Park

Neihu Sewage Treatment Plant is located at the area enclosed by Zhongshan Expressway, Minquan East Road and Jiuzong Road, the reclaimed land of Keelung River Straightening Project. Its service range covers a 1,176-hectare area north of Keelung River, which includes Dazhi, Neihu and Donghu. Sewage is collected into the Neihu Plant via pipeline and treated with effluent of national quality standards before reaching Keelung River. The past issue wherein direct discharge of untreated sewage resulted in river contamination is expected to be resolved. Furthermore, the clarified water shall also contribute to the protection of river resources.

Neihu Plant mainly employs Class-2 Active Sludge Bio-process for removing organic pollutants and suspension solids in the sewage. It reserves the scalability of upgrading to a Class-3 process, for further removing eutrophic nitrogen and phosphorous, thereby complying with more stringent national standards in the future regarding effluent quality. Design daily capacity of Neihu Plant is 240,000CMD; water treated with Class-2 process is discharged into Keelung River after disinfection, a part of which is recycled by automatic filtration for in-plant and external reuse (design daily capacity is 20,000CMD). Quality of treated water from Neihu Plant has reached national effluent standards. Water quality of Keelung River and living environments of citizens are considerably improved.

Since Heihu Sewage Treatment Plant started operation, injection of clear effluent led to the resurfacing of schools of fish in Keelung River. Leisure fishing can be seen occasionally, indicating that the water quality at effluent outlets has undergone significant improvements. In addition to supplementing river flow in sunny days, Neihu Plant also improves the quality of water in the vicinity of the effluent outlet, bringing about unlimited vitality to Keelung River. Moreover, reappearing fish has attracted quite a few lingering fishers.

In order to increase sport and leisure locations for citizens, SSO has designed Neihu Sewage Treatment Plant as the first ever semi-underground Sewage Treatment Plant in Taiwan. There is a sports park placed on top of the plant, namely the Neihu Sport and Recreation Park. In the 3.8-hectare area, the park is provided with public art exhibits, water pools, small gymnasium facilities, tourist service center, children’s gaming facilities, maze park, ponds, an extreme sport field, a rock climbing field and ring-shaped PU runways.

To assist the citizens using park facilities in the evening, lighting is provided free of charge for the relevant facilities until 22:00. Currently, the Neihu Sport and Recreation Park is the most ideal location for holding rock climbing events or extreme sport competitions, increasing the options available to citizens for leisure and sport activities. If interested, you are welcome to take a walk in the park; and for biking friends, SSO has prepared a bridge crossing Ti-Ding Boulevard for bikers to access the waterfront park as if they were free birdies.

  • Tel: (02)8791-9494 Ext.158
  • Fax: (02)8791-9746