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Why is there a “Sewerage Utilization Fee” in my water bill? Almost the same amount as the water fee, how is it calculated?

“Sewerage Utilization Fee” is the charge for sewage treatment; all the wastewater discharged from your facilities, including toilet, bathroom, kitchen, floor washing, etc., as well as that drained by factories or restaurants, is delivered to the sewage treatment plant via the underground pipeline; the sewage is treated to the national standard of effluent before being discharged, so that rivers are not polluted. The levy of sewerage utilization fee is for disbursing costs of construction and maintenance of sewage treatment; the same pay per use concept as for waste treatment. 

The Sewerage Utilization Fee is charged based on water usage, since when the faucet is opened, most of the flow, after being used, will eventually enter the Sewage Treatment Plant. The basis for the levy is [Taipei City Sewerage Utilization Fee Levy Self-government Act] passed by Taipei City Council, current rate is NT$5 per degree (1 cubic meter). Since the water fee is also NT$5 per degree, if the monthly consumption is within 20 degrees, so it would seem that Sewerage Utilization Fee is as high as the water fee; however the rate of the water fee gets higher if the consumption increases, but the rate for Sewerage Utilization Fee remains the same, it will not increase as water consumption gets higher; we’d like to call your attention on this.